Design Uber

ride-sharing application

Posted by CodingMrWang on February 6, 2022

This post is first created by CodingMrWang, 作者 @Zexian Wang ,please keep the original link if you want to repost it.

What is a Uber

Uber enables its customers to book drivers for taxi rides. Both customers and drivers communicate with each other through their smartphones using the Uber app.


Functional requirements

  • Drivers report location
  • Rider request uber, match a driver with rider
  • Driver deny/accept a request
  • Driver cancel a matched request
  • Rider cancel a request
  • Driver pick up a ride / start a trip
  • Driver drop off a rider / end a trip

    Non Functional requirements

  • Availability: Customers can request ride anytime and drivers can receive requests and report location at anytime.
  • Scability: Can suport large amount of customers and drivers.
  • Reliability: data should be consistent.



  • 300M cusomters and 1M drivers with 1M daily active customers and 500K daily active drivers.
  • 1M daily rides
  • Drivers will report their current location every three seconds.

    data size

  • 20B/driver location
  • 100B/rides


  • 12 rides/s
  • 167k/s


    customer info: 300M * 100B = 30GB driver info: 1M * 100B = 100MB ride info: 1M * 100B * 365 = 40GB/year location: 1M * 86400 / 3 * 20B = 576GB

    Data Model

    ``` Trip { tripId, driverId, riderId, startLatitude, startlongitude, endLatitude, endLongitude, status, createdAt }

Location { driverId, latitude, longitude, updatedAt } ```

Database Design

It is ineffecient to range search on both latitude and longitude. Use Geohash instead. GeoHash turn latitude and longitude into a string, and places close to each other share the same prefix. The longer the common prefix is, the closer the two points are.

  • NoSQL - Cassandra
    • use geohash as column key
    • do range query on geohash
  • NoSQL - Redis
    • save driver location by level, if driver location is 9q9hvt, save it in 9q9hvt, 9q9hv, 9q9h these 3 keys.
    • 6 common geohash places are within 1km
    • 4 common geohash places are within 20km
    • key = 9q9hvt, value = set of drivers in this location



  • rider send request, search drivers within the location range
    • (lat,lng) -> geohash -> [driver1, driver2]
    • search 6 prefix geohash
    • if there is no driver, search 5 prefix
    • if still no driver, search 4 prefix
  • If match driver successfully, user search dirver location.


  • driver report his lat, lng and geohash
    • search his original geohash
    • if there is a change, update redis to new driver set
    • update location in driver table.
  • driver accept ride request
    • update trip status
    • update driver table to be unavailable
  • driver finish a trip
    • update trip table to be completed
    • update driver table to be available

Whole solution

  1. Rider send ride request, sever create a trip
    • server return trip id back to user
    • user check trip status every 3 seconds
  2. Sever find matched driver, update trip and update driver status
  3. Driver report his location
    • send message to geo service
    • pull assigned trip every 3 seconds
    • if there is a matched trip, return trip to the driver
  4. Driver accept ride request
    • update driver table and trip table
    • rider receive matched trip
  5. Driver deny ride request
    • update driver table and trip info
    • re match a new driver


Data sharding

  • Shard by the first 4 chars of geoHash
  • Shard by city

Data replication

  • Redis Master Slave