Rate Limiter

Local and distributed

Posted by CodingMrWang on January 21, 2022

This post is first created by CodingMrWang, 作者 @Zexian Wang ,please keep the original link if you want to repost it.



  • allowRequest(request)
    • Limit the number of requests an entity can send to an API within a time window, e.g., 15 requests per second.


  • Low latency (should not introduce substantial latencies affecting the user experience)
  • Accurate
  • Scable
  • Available (maybe not high priority, we can do more than less)


data size

  • Data size 20 bytes per user if only user id & timestamp & count


  • 1000/s - 1M/s


  • 20B * 1M = 20MB


  • Client Identifier Builder: (build unique identifier for each request user)
  • Rate Limiter: decide whether we want to throttle the request.
  • Throttle Rules Cache


  • allowRequest(userId, count)

Single host solution

Data can be saved in memory as the size is not really large. Rules can also be cached in memory, we can cache the rules in another server as a single service or put into a single server, client identifier builder as well.


Fixed Window Algorithm

We can save data in a hashtable: Key: Value UserId: {Count, StartTime}

  • If the ‘UserID’ is not present in the hash-table, insert it, set the ‘Count’ to 1, set ‘StartTime’ to the current time (normalized to a minute), and allow the request.

  • Otherwise, find the record of the ‘UserID’ and if CurrentTime – StartTime >= 1 min, set the ‘StartTime’ to the current time, ‘Count’ to 1, and allow the request.

  • If CurrentTime - StartTime <= 1 min and

    • If ‘Count < 3’, increment the Count and allow the request.
    • If ‘Count >= 3’, reject the request.


    • It can allow twice of number of requests per time period.

Sliding Window algorithm

Store timestamp of each request in a sorted set Key: Value UserId: {1499818000, 1499818500, 1499818600}

Let’s assume our rate limiter is allowing three requests per minute per user, so, whenever a new request comes in, the Rate Limiter will perform following steps:

  • Remove all the timestamps from the Sorted Set that are older than “CurrentTime - 1 minute”.

  • Count the total number of elements in the sorted set. Reject the request if this count is greater than our throttling limit of “3”.

  • Insert the current time in the sorted set and accept the request.


  • Much more memory needed, need to save all timestamp.

Token Bucket Algorithm

  • Bucket has max capacity
  • Current tokens <= max capacity
  • tokens arrive at fixed rate
public class TokenBucket {
	private final long maxBucketSize;
	private final long refillRate;
	private double currentBucketSize;
	private long lastRefillTimestamp;
	public synchronized boolean allowRequest(int token) {
		if (currBucketSize > tokens) {
			currBucketSize -= tokens;
			return true;
		return false;
	private void refill() {
		long now = System.nanoTime();
		double tokensToAdd = (now - lastRefillTimestamp) * refillRate / 1e9;
		currentBucketSize = Math.min(tokensToAdd + currentBucketSize, maxBucketSize);
		lastRefillTimestamp = now;

Interface & Classes

Distrubuted System

When come to distributed system, we may create bucket for the same user in different hosts. Need a way to broadcast number of token consumed in each host.

Something else

  • If there are millions of users, we need to keep millions of buckets in our memory?

    We can delete userId which haven’t made request recently