This post is first created by CodingMrWang, 作者 @Zexian Wang ,please keep the original link if you want to repost it.
tqdm is a fast and extensible progress bar. It is really useful when you need run a long loop, tqdm could predict how much time it will take.
pip install tqdm
How to use:
from tqdm import tqdm for i in tqdm(range(10000)): some_function()
for i in trange(100): some_function()
Also, you can update tqdm manually:
pbar = tqdm(total=100) for i in range(100): pbar.update(1) pbar.close()
Here is a part of code I used tqdm in my program.
import Queue import threading from tqdm import tqdm from web.other.models import Student class Sample(object): def __init__(self): self.queue = Queue.Queue() self.init() def init(self): all_data = Student.objects.filter(level=2).all() for d in all_data: self.queue.put(d) pbar = tqdm(total = queue.qsize()) def get_relationship(self): while self.queue.qsize(): try: d = self.queue.get(0) pbar.update(1) except: pbar.close() return None some_function(d) def run(self): threads = [Thread.threading(target=get_relationship) for _ in range(10)] [u.start() for u in threads] [u.join() for u in threads]
This package gave me a big hand when I crawl a huge amount of data, I can see how long will it take and inform PM.