Item2 Hot Keys

Best terminal

Posted by CodingMrWang on July 22, 2018

This post is first created by CodingMrWang, 作者 @Zexian Wang ,please keep the original link if you want to repost it.


iTerm2 is the best terminal I have ever used.

iTerm2 brings the terminal into the modern age with features you never knew you always wanted

It can save you a lot of time during your work also it has great appearence. Start using iTerm2.

command + d                                        split the screen vertically

command + shift + d                                split the screen horizontally

command + option + -> command + [ or command + ]   change screen

command + ;                                        search history command

command + shift + h                                search copy paste history

command + n                                        switch to tab n
ctrl + u                                           clear current command line

ctrl + a                                           jump to the beginning of the line

ctrl + e                                           jump to the end of the line

ctrl + f/b                                         same as -> / <-

ctrl + p                                           last command

ctrl + r                                           search history command

ctrl + d                                           delete current letter

ctrl + h                                           delete one letter before

ctrl + w                                           delete one word before

ctrl + k                                           delete to the end of command

ctrl + t                                           replace current letter with the letter before

command + r                                        clear the screen

ctrl + l                                           clear the screen

jump across each word

option + -> / option + <-

How to set: Pic

Item2 preference -> Profiles -> Keys -> option + -> => Send ^[f

Enjoy this perfect workflow!